Wednesday, February 23, 2011

back agan!

I did a little identity crisis while I was away, plus a toothache and a few other things. But I'm back, having realized some important things:

1. I need to follow my OWN writing rhythm, not where I think others think I should be. This amounts to one scene(+1 line) a day - not so many words, etc. It may take me longer but it seems to be how I work best.
2. I'm not going to try to write anything new for a little while for 2 reasons:
a) I need to have time to polish my 3 finished manuscripts and have a life! LOL
b) I am in the process of figuring out WHY I'm avoiding writing what I really want to (what am I afraid of?)
3. I need to be concentrating on my health right now, which means limited time, resources and energy.
4. when I do publish, it will probably be self pub because I don't like to march to anyone else's drum (never have).

Sooo...ONWARD! “What is success, but the realistic adaptation of a goal to meet the needs of the individual while still achieving the end result?”~KMO

Monday, December 27, 2010

I'm taking a haitus for the next 3 months because of ...well, many reasons. I still maintain the intention of writing EVERY day, even if it is drivel. I will probably chk in from time to time with updates... 'Bye for now!

Monday, November 1, 2010

I’m going over my first ms. I have times when I think it’s pretty good, times when I think it’s garbage and times when I think it’s ‘workable’ and needs help. I have to put it back in my computer-not sure why, but it is giving me the opportunity to go through and pre-edit, so I guess it is good.

But I’ve had to readjust my schedule. And it was working so well for me, too! So, I’ve decided to get a fresh start next week and give myself time to break into a new routine easy. I still have the goal to get this series published before too long. I just have to prioritize better. That means not necessarily putting writing first anymore (SHOCK!) but I hope it will improve me anyway by being in a better state of mind.

And then, I've decided to write a non-fict book on top of my usual fiction. So I've decided I must be crazy... but at least I'm writing!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Moving on... or back as it were

I finally finished my 2nd MS in my 3 novella series. I have one more, which is actually the ‘first’ one I wrote and put under the bed cuz I didn’t like it. I’m finally feeling like I can go overhaul it but what a job it’s going to be! I keep telling myself not to be intimidated. It’ll be FUN! …And I think so, but I won’t know until I get into it this week. And I’m doing war with the procrastination monster. So wish me luck!

I’ve identified some of the problems:
There isn’t enough sexual tension and conflict, and not enough connection to keep them going- basically while the backbone is good it is BORING. When I wrote it, it was a time in my life where I was afraid of conflict and things going wrong so, while I know conflict drives story, it’s very vanilla. So I want to preserve a little bit but change a whole lot. I’m a little bit intimidated, to be honest, but excited too. My goal is to get it done in 2 months – a little ambitious for me, but I’m still going to try!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Dilemma resolved!

I was sick this last month, but I was able to resolve a long time dilemma for me. I write romance. I loved romance from the time I was nine years old. It was my guilty pleasure. I say guilty, because I was raised in a puritanical religious environment where any sexual relations outside of marriage were taboo. So I’ve read romance novels under the covers of my bed at night and stuck what I was reading off in a corner of my mind “to not think about” until such time as I could resolve it. That time never came. I just kept reading and reading and reading.

Our lives changed and we are not so entrenched in that culture but we still have strong moral feelings about it. So at first I was writing the romance without the sex. It can be done, even in this day and age. But I realized the depths of the relationships I was developing and trying to illustrate were unsatisfying. Because I’ve realized that we are human, and sex is a part of that humanity that reaches us on deep levels and impacts our lives in tremendous ways.

So came the question: do I create situations where my characters have to be married before they even know each other? I know it’s been done. But I didn’t necessarily want that limitation. And so I had to go back and really ask myself what it was about marriage that is so special and made sex okay. It took me a few days but I think I got it. It is the commitment and the permanency of the relationship, the covenant between man and woman and God, whether including a piece of paper or not, that is not taken lightly, as a trial run or a one night stand.

I realized I don’t really care whether there is a ring and a license involved, but I do care that both parties are committed to and working on their relationship. That’s what romance is about. I realized that readers want to see it, experience it vicariously as they hope for the happy ending. After that all things were resolved in my mind and I wasn’t so worried about a piece of paper anymore. It has become easier for me to write my sex scenes now. I still hope they are tactful and beautiful and that they touch a place in my reader’s heart. But at least I feel like I have permission now (grin) and God will not strike me down for it. Phew!

Monday, August 30, 2010

catching up!

I was ill this last month so thought I would catch up.

This past week was very satisfying. I went back and reread a romance writer’s course I had and realized I’d forgotten a few important (for me) points that should make things easier when I actually sit my butt in the chair and write. I also went back to my original goals and decided they ARE doable with a little discipline. So I made a workable daily schedule that, so far, I’m keeping to. The only variable I haven’t control over is my health. So I’m telling myself, because my health is more important than even writing, it is the only thing allowed to slow me down from time to time. So far so good!

I was out of town all last week taking my daughter up to Humboldt University. It was a great opportunity for introspection as I had time in the car to evaluate my goals and when/how to meet them. I realize that I have to further refine my craft and I have all the tools to do it – I’ve just avoided them. I think I’ve been just as afraid of success as failure. I need to change that.

I’m being brave and sending out the novella I edited to a beta reader. ( A beta reader is one who reads for overall impressions/continuity/plot holes etc.) It has been years since I’ve had the courage for that. I got really burned the last time and so now I’m like the lion in The Wizard of Oz. Hopefully this time feedback will be constructive and not what happened before. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

a little rant...

I’m trying to read a book right now. For a week. I’m typically a book/day or 2 girl. I’m only halfway through. I can understand that what turns on one person, turns another one off. I make allowances. But when the believability factor goes out the window in favor of the sex, even if I’m turned off and skip a few pages, that’s when I go bonkers.

But the book is teaching me a few things:
1. What NOT to do with adverbs and adjectives, particularly in sex scenes.
2. How NOT to begin a book (Umm, Back Story anyone?) reveal it later if you absolutely must.
3. How to show animal lust in many different situations with limited vocabulary and without thought or concern for the character you(the hero) are SUPPOSED to be falling in love with.

And on it goes. At least it is not quite as bad as the Beautiful Bella drivel I could only get 1/3 the way through. I suppose I should’ve cared enough to see if that author came up with any other adjectives by the time the series was done but the fact was I didn’t. I’m not sure I care about these characters either. The author hasn’t given me a reason to care. Just reason to raise a brow and question the believability. And that’s without going into scientific anatomy and realistic expectations (Ahem) when it comes to sex.

(4d later): last night I finally finished it. The story get better at the end minus the sex which ended up just plain tedious. But as I stated before it’s a matter of personal preference. At least this book gave me hope. Hope that if I am persistent I will be published. Provided I don’t turn my editor off w/ the sex scenes I write.