Monday, August 30, 2010

catching up!

I was ill this last month so thought I would catch up.

This past week was very satisfying. I went back and reread a romance writer’s course I had and realized I’d forgotten a few important (for me) points that should make things easier when I actually sit my butt in the chair and write. I also went back to my original goals and decided they ARE doable with a little discipline. So I made a workable daily schedule that, so far, I’m keeping to. The only variable I haven’t control over is my health. So I’m telling myself, because my health is more important than even writing, it is the only thing allowed to slow me down from time to time. So far so good!

I was out of town all last week taking my daughter up to Humboldt University. It was a great opportunity for introspection as I had time in the car to evaluate my goals and when/how to meet them. I realize that I have to further refine my craft and I have all the tools to do it – I’ve just avoided them. I think I’ve been just as afraid of success as failure. I need to change that.

I’m being brave and sending out the novella I edited to a beta reader. ( A beta reader is one who reads for overall impressions/continuity/plot holes etc.) It has been years since I’ve had the courage for that. I got really burned the last time and so now I’m like the lion in The Wizard of Oz. Hopefully this time feedback will be constructive and not what happened before. Wish me luck!

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