Monday, May 3, 2010

adjusting your goals to fit your life!

After much soul searching, trying to figure out what was stumping me about the book I’ve been working on I came up with 2 problems:
1. I was working outside my comfort zone, trying to write a more complex and lengthy story than I’ve ever done before with any measure of success.
2. My goals were a bit unrealistic considering my current situation. I tend to make goals thinking I have completely normal situation, but the fact is I really have to take into consideration my physical challenges and the circumstances of my life.

With those things in mind, I decided not to fight my goals any more and instead set a realistic one that is achievable. I feel like I can breathe now and it feels much better. I was getting all stressed when I was coming up short every week. But the fact is I simply cannot meet the number of pages per day I had thought to be able to, and it was taking all of the excitement out of the creation process for me.

I’ve been writing every day and loving every minute of it and that is the most important thing, because that’s what makes me happy.

When the time comes, I may take this book off the shelf and rework it in a more comfortable format because the story really needs to be told and I think I was going about it all wrong in the effort to worry about Word Count. I’m learning as I go.

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