Monday, April 12, 2010

Falling short and getting up again...

I fell a little short of my goal last week to make it all the way to 120 pages. I still have about 15 pages to go. Last week was a really awful week so I guess allowances ought to be made. But I still feel slightly disappointed in myself for not being able to push through to the end. Thankfully, I scheduled in a few extra days for instances such as this. I hope that my muse comes through for me this coming week as our drama is not quite over. My every intention is to make it to at least 120 pages and beyond if possible this coming week.

Part of my dilemma arises from not really being sure where my plot is going next. I’m used to planning things out in detail, but I found out that more often than not I got tired of the story before I wrote it because I did too much planning. So this time, I dove right in completely unaware of where my characters were going to take me. Only problem is they seem to have been really quiet last week, perhaps because of the other things on my mind.

I’ve been searching, and not yet finding, a support group that exists for romance writers outside of RWA. First, because I cannot afford to be a member right now while my husband has been out of work due to the economic situation. And second, because I have been unimpressed by some of the decisions and bureaucracy that exists within the organization. And so I search on.

1 comment:

  1. Well, the drama continues, but hopefully we'll find a solution soon! I got 5p in yesterday. Now, if I can just manage 10 more...
